Do you have certain songs that are your standards when you want to sing like you mean it? In the car with the radio off (or on)? In the shower? In that certain spot in your home with the best acoustics (for me it’s my dining room smack dab between the kitchen and living room)? Songs that showcase your musical ability? Are in a key perfect for your vocal range? Or perhaps you just know all the words (or some of the words)? Songs that speak to your soul and give you goose flesh along your arms when you hear their opening notes? Songs where you turn up the volume, then again and again until you realize you can’t make them loud enough to encompass the joy they instill? Songs that demand that you sing along? That won’t be denied? You feeling me? I have many, many of these songs.
Right before my alarm clock rudely awoke me this morning, I was having a vivid dream. It was an odd one – sort of a montage number more than a story board dream. It may be that bringing to the present past memories is impacting my subconscious. In my slumber last night, I was watching a slideshow of my happy moments over the years. In no particular order, my joy was presented. Bringing back random snippets of frolic, glimpses of people I haven’t seen in ages, and a hug from my gramps who has been gone for over a decade. What a gift. I lost a clear grasp on the details of all those memories, but the music lingered.
The song playing in my dream wasn't really a happy one - at least the lyrics aren't. It’s kind of deceptively titled, like REM’s The One I Love, which I used to hear dedicated to loved ones all the time on the radio. NOT a love song, people. Well, Sweet Dreams really isn't about happy things either. But it was a great soundtrack in my dream, and it is one of those go-to you are gonna sing don’t even try to stop yourself songs.
I love singing Tori. She leaves me feeling raw, exposed, woman. And makes me wish I still played the piano as much as I used to so that I could jam along as I sang this. Perhaps another goal for 2014?
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