Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10: Compassion

I came across a woman (a stranger) crying in the restroom at work today. I didn't know what to say and didn't want to walk by without acknowledging her pain, so I just hugged her. She hugged me back pretty big. 

We aren't very comfortable with most emotions as a society, are we? If a person isn't happy or at least "okay" we don't quite know how to approach them. We are taught to hide so much. 

I felt shy to encounter this person in tears. My impulse was that pain is a private emotion. Then I imagined myself in a cold bathroom during working hours, so sad over "x" that I couldn't stop myself from crying. If someone walked by me without pause, if they ignored me, I'd feel shame. I didn't want to add an ounce of pain to her world. 

I didn't have words for this stranger, or even want to intrude upon what was causing the tears. I just wanted her to know that there is compassion in the world. 

It was probably the most effective thing I'll get done today.

Kate Bush - This Woman's Work

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