Today started with a very tired 10 year-old. Aria was exhausted this morning (growing at an insane rate sometimes means the need for a whole lotta sleep). She was petulant in her demands for a 4 day weekend and 3 day school week. (Dream big, baby.)
Here is my evolution of interaction:
I sympathized: “You are so tired, I can understand you wouldn’t want to go today.”
I empathized: “Sometimes Mondays are hard for me also.”
I reasoned: “We are getting close to summer break and you will get 7 day weekends then!”
I encouraged: “You got this!”
I threatened: “Get out of bed. Right. Now.”
Here’s the funny thing: It’s during these little meltdowns that I feel most like a kid playing the role of an adult. I want to throw the alarm clock across the room, stomp my foot, put my jammies back on, crawl into my couch fort and watch trash tv all day while eating Cool Ranch Doritos.
They don’t tell you that these feelings will linger once you are an adult. It’s like you are magically supposed to transcend reality to live at a higher consciousness. Not so much. You just have to set it aside while you coerce your child out the door for school. Then you can stomp your foot like you mean it. And go to work.
Jack Johnson - Upside Down
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