Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November 4: Election

It’s very rare that I write or say anything political. I strive to be more inclusive than judgmental, as it has been my experience that judgment only distances me from others. I also have always learned more about myself from surrounding myself by those who have different opinions, beliefs and life experiences than my own.

That said, living in Iowa where we have a Senate seat on the line this election and as a registered Independent voter, I have been essentially water boarded with political ads, people knocking on the door and a mailbox filled with hatred for months. I have not watched TV or listened to the radio for months. The amount of money spent on the two main candidates for this Senate position is criminal.

I am incredibly disenfranchised with politics (and citizenship) in our country. We have lost our ability to debate. We slander. We make threats. We blatantly lie to scare people into voting a certain way (and they believe it because they don’t research facts or always vote down the party line). We judge. We preach fear. We have control issues as a result.

We take stances that push us apart politically, generally based upon the most divisional topics we can muster. Abortion. Guns. Religious extremists. Ebola (for the love of all that is holy). We see the bait dangled and take it time and again, rather than delving deeper to learn the proficiency of our would-be representative or the genuine basis of a candidate’s platform (and if their platform represents their values or another’s funded agenda).

I feel the de-evolution of our nation occurring and I am watching us actively assist in that process. As a woman, it seems both my wellbeing and my equality are (yet again) at risk this election. We the people have a long way to go. One step forward would be welcome.

Tomorrow is a new day. Perhaps I’ll even turn on the radio on my drive into work! I hope you have survived the political season with your faith intact. Mine has been shaken.

And now, some music that cures all.

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