Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17: Drive-by Shootings

There were 3 drive-by shootings in the Des Moines metro area this morning, with two injuries resulting and a bevy of school closings and lock downs. The shootings were preceded with social media threats (via Yik Yak) on Sunday. This kind of event both saddens and angers me.

Do you know the thing I actually find the most interesting about this all? The social media component. Some idiot gets angry and decides to hurt others. But they don't just do it anymore. They have to talk about it first. Online.

I think this is at once an opportunity and horrific.

The opportunity? Can you imagine if the Columbine kids had posted to social media rather than filming home videos to their parents? Or if Adam Lanza had posted something prior to ravaging Sandy Hook? Is there a cry for help in posting something socially? Or just insanity? Or ego? Does it matter? They are putting out a message that says “deal with me – I mean it.” I appreciate the heads up. Ideally they could be caught and helped. They are screaming, “help me” even if they don’t know it.

The horrific? Way too many things to even think through, beyond the brutal killing of others. No wonder we have so much more fear in our diets anymore. Forget surprise incidents. We now can anticipate terror. We can dwell on it. Make it bigger than it needs to be. We can ruminate on “what ifs” that feel more real than general fears, because they come with actual threats that may or may not happen.

At the end of the day, every day, I choose love. Even when someone chooses his gun and rage. 

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