Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 26: Movie Buff

As a single mama, I rarely get to see anything above PG. I mostly live in an animated world, and I'm not talking South Park. As such, my television/movie knowledge sort of falls into the deep abyss around 2003. 

This makes me a weak link for trivia games with pop culture references. It makes me an easy companion for movie rentals though. I've essentially seen nothing.

I recently caught Stranger Than Fiction. It is amazing. I did not know Will Ferrell could be His character has such depth. Emma Thompson is in it also, which gave me implicit faith it'd be a stunner. It was. 

The moment that put the movie over the top for me was when Harold breaks out this 80s hit on his Fender Stratocaster

Wreckless Eric - Whole Wide World

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