Wednesday, August 20, 2014

August 20: Tall Girl

Aria started 5th grade today. I was remembering my own 5th grade experience. It was the first year I was taller than my teacher. 

Aria thrives on being the tallest in her class. I used to hate it. I hunched my shoulders, refused heels well into my 20s, and felt huge rather than elegant in my height. 

When people meet Aria, the first thing they comment upon is her height. She's 10 years old and 5'5". I always add, "and she loves playing piano" or "and she has a cat named Pixie she adopted" or "and she's also really into art." to their "You are SO tall" declaration!

We can't choose our height, and so it's just an attribute, not something special that we've accomplished. It's not different than telling a girl she's pretty versus that she's great at math. We want to validate that which we value most and want to build within another. 

I love for Aria to be validated in things she chooses. I wish I could have told my little 5th grade self some of the tremendous traits I possessed but didn't have championed. 

I wonder if I would have stood taller for it.

Colbie Caillat - Try

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