Sorry I went rogue. Life got busy and I was swept up in the details of living. Sometimes my soul simply goes quiet.
I missed sharing Thanksgiving and Christmas with you. We volunteered at a local restaurant for Thanksgiving, and helped serve more than 3,000 meals to those who wouldn't have had one otherwise. It was invaluable. We hosted Friendsgiving the Saturday after Tday. This included an 18 pound turkey and all the fixings, including 4 pies. It was glorious.
We watched one of Aria's besties portray Jane Banks in Mary Poppins at the Des Moines Playhouse. We shared Christmas with family and hosted New Year's Eve with friends. We even squeezed in a visit to a waterpark. You know that you adore your child when you will don a swimsuit for her over your winter break.
We live well. We love big. We have a beautiful world. The holidays only serve to amplify that beauty.
Our holidays ended on a sad note when we had to put our beloved pixie bobcat to sleep. All that lives dies. This is what I keep telling myself. Logic doesn't help heartache, does it?
I had originally intended to blog every day for 2014. I've never been great at following rules, even when I create them. I love to off-road.
I want to continue to blog and share music, stories and inspiration where I find it with each of you. I hope you are willing to receive it.
I decided to create a new Spotify playlist for 2015. I played my 2014 songs during my NYE celebration and it made my heart smile. I am looking forward to creating more heart smiles in 2015.
I was mourning our kittie and this song shuffled across my iPod. It was on 2014's playlist, and is Aria's favorite song. I think it's a great way to kick off 2015.
Happy New Year to all!
Bob Marley - Three Little Birds
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